Minimal Living: 5 Things We Can Incorporate Into Our Lives


Let me guess, you’ve watched the documentary “Minimalism” on Netflix and now have an interest in integrating this lifestyle. You like the idea of less is more, a decluttered life, and enjoying the simple things… Don’t you worry, I’m exactly that and on the same boat as you! 

Living a minimalist lifestyle doesn’t have to be the extreme where you’re living in a tiny home, throwing out all your old photos and sports memorabilia, and alternating between 3 pairs of jeans and 2 shirts. The gist of living a minimal life is getting rid of excess things that you don’t need and focusing on your personal relationships and experiences. Now doesn’t that sound nice? Check out these 5 simple ways to incorporate a minimal lifestyle. 

  1.  Social Media Detox. I’m guilty of this and can attest to spending way too much time on social media. There are many benefits to social media, but let’s be real, we have a lot of valuable time being used in our channels that can be allocated somewhere else. Try detoxing for a week or limit yourself to one hour a day. Just this can make all the difference and you’ll start to realize you how much you can do and accomplish when you cut back on the scrolling. 

  2. Think before you buy. Pop quiz. Think of the last thing you bought. Did you really need it? Your burger from In-N-Out, those new pair of Air Maxes, or maybe the iPhone 600(or whatever the latest version out)? The answer is more likely no you did not. Pausing before a purchase can prevent you from adding more unneeded items to your life and save you some money and clutter. 

  3. Declutter. We all like to save things we think we’ll need later. I’m all for it, but there needs to be a line. If you forgot you had something, left a jacket unworn for a year, have some old decor… Two words. Toss. It. Part of living a minimal lifestyle is eliminating the unnecessary and keeping the things that bring you value and joy. 

  4. Eat just right and just enough. I’m one of those gals who always “saves” room for desert. What that really means is I’ll get on the food coma level just because the cake on the menu sounds amazing! Probably not the best habit. Food is meant to be fuel, but here and there we tend to abuse it, overeat, and not make the best choices, which ultimately leads to not taking care of your body. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not saying it’s time for the world to go on a plant-based diet. But what I am saying is let’s think twice before we eat with our eyes versus our stomach.

  5. Staying humble and feeling gratitude. My personal favorite. We have so much to be thankful for and it’s not uncommon to compare yourself to others or wish for certain things. Being a minimalist means recognizing and appreciating the things you already have. We’re breathing, we’re healthy, we’re smart, and we’re kind. Our presence is truly a blessing. Challenge: Every morning for the next month, write down in your notes 5 things you are grateful for. This will really help you reflect on what’s important in your life. I guarantee you those materialistic things you’ve been wishing for will not be on the list. 

Being a minimalist doesn’t happen overnight and it’s not a lifestyle for everyone (myself included)! However, the ideas behind the lifestyle are something we can all incorporate into our lives. When we start to reflect and get clarity on what truly matters, we start to live a life of freedom and we take a step forward in finding our purpose.